Friday, February 20, 2009

Integration Starts with Shared Goals

It seems so obvious, yet for some reason so elusive. Decades after the phrase "integrated communications" was first coined, most brands and organizations are no closer to realizing its potential despite a communications landscape that increasingly demands such a comprehensive approach.

While countless companies and agencies explore methods to coordinate their various communications activities, I believe integration is more a question of philosophy than process. And it starts with one pivotal question: are your communications efforts oriented around a shared set of goals?

Imagine a football team without a common purpose. Wouldn't the offense go for it every time on fourth down regardless of field position, putting their defensive teammates in a hole if they're unsuccessful? Understanding the bigger picture -- in this case, the importance of field position -- allows for decision-making that supports the overarching goal of winning the game.

More than any other communications discipline, public relations encompasses an organization's relationships with the full range of its stakeholder groups -- customers, employees, investors, government and likely many others. That's why I believe PR pros are uniquely qualified to drive integrated thinking, because of our uniquely comprehensive perspective.

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