Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Who Do You Trust?

A recent Neilsen study shows user-generated content vaulted into second place behind recommendations from a friend in terms of trusted sources of consumer information. And brand websites, along with other forms of company-driven communication like TV ads and sponsorships, are making gains, suggesting a softening in overall consumer skepticism.

But the news isn't all positive. Newspapers were the only information source that saw a decline in trust, down 2% since 2007. And while they each saw modest increases the past two years, search result ads (41%), online banner ads (33%) and mobile text ads (24%) still languish well behind their traditional brethren.

The implications for PR pros? If you aren't already fully engaged in social media, this study illustrates the incredible power of online word-of-mouth. And don't overlook the good ol' company website as an opportunity to inform consumers seeking more detailed information.

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