Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tim Tebow: Brand Evangelist or Marketing Pariah?

In the interest of full disclosure, since the day I first set foot on the campus of the University of Florida I've been a huge Gator fan. Rabid, even. But I'm putting those feelings aside to take an objective look at the emerging PR controversy centered around Gator poster boy Tim Tebow.

For the uninitiated, Tebow is not only a champion quarterback, but a son of missionaries who wears his faith on his sleeve (and his eye black), goes to hospitals to pray with sick kids and visits prisons to turn hardened criminals into believers. A charismatic leader blessed with raw athleticism, he recently finished his college career and now has his sights set on disproving the popular theory that he's ill suited to be an NFL quarterback, despite his talents and accomplishments.

But Tebow's made even more news this week for appearing in a commercial scheduled to air during this year's Super Bowl. Filmed on behalf of conservative Christian group Focus on the Family, the ad is expected to tell recount how Tebow's mother, Pam, rejected doctors' advice that she get an abortion when she fell ill during a mission to the Philippines while she was pregnant with Tim.

Critics -- of which Tebow has always had his share -- have assailed his participating in the ad, especially women's groups that likely have no idea of Tebow's faith-based track record. Even sports pundits are questioning whether Tebow will damage his marketability -- and his prospects in the upcoming NFL draft -- by aligning with such a polarizing issue.

What can marketers learn from this episode? To me, it's a classic case of being true to one's brand. Tebow has always said he believed he was blessed with his athletic and other gifts to provide a platform for his pro-Christian message. Regardless of your stance on the issues at hand, you've got to admire the kid's sincerity and conviction.

The NFL has its share of bible thumpers, and I doubt Tebow's devout faith will hamper his draft prospects as much as his awkward passing technique might. As for his marketability, let's face it: on the heels of the Tiger Woods controversy, the sports world could use a squeaky-clean spokesman. The NBA can have its gun-toting Gilbert Arenas . . . me, I'll take Touchdown Timmy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Couldn't agree more with you comments Barry. Hope all is well.